Humpty Dumpty
Jack and Jill
Art Contest
About the Art Contest
Enter Contest
Humpty Dumpty Winners
Jack and Jill Winners
U.S. Kids Art Contest FAQ
Art Lessons
Contest Rules
Terms of Use
Privacy Policy
Cover Gallery
Humpty Dumpty
Jack and Jill Magazine
Forever Fit
Art Contest
Art Contest Gallery
Jack and Jill Magazine Collection
Jack and Jill Magazine 2019-2020 Gallery
Page 3
Jack and Jill Magazine 2019-2020 Gallery
Name: Faith
Age: 7
State: OH
Name: Maddy
Age: 11
State: NC
Name: Anna
Age: 13
State: NC
Name: Nesti
Age: 7
State: WI
Name: Kaylen
Age: 10
State: MI
Name: Palmer
Age: 5
State: WI
Name: Giuliana
Age: 8
State: NY
Name: Carolina
Age: 7
State: OK
Name: Caroline
Age: 10
State: NE
Name: Emil
State: WI
Name: Coco
Age: 10
State: CA
Name: Amelia
Age: 10
State: CA
Name: Kaitlyn
Age: 10
State: TX
Name: Elin
Age: 8
State: KS
Name: Layla
Age: 10
State: OH
Name: Emailine
Age: 7
State: CT
Name: Ramona
Age: 9
State: WI
Name: HaLeigh
Age: 8
State: NH
Name: Adrian
Age: 7
State: OH
Name: Ella
Age: 8
State: IL
Name: Hazel
Age: 8
State: NY
Name: Tristan
Age: 9
State: AZ
Name: Violet
Age: 8
State: MD
Name: Sara
Age: 12
State: VA
Name: Karmin
Age: 12
State: WV
Name: Lila
Age: 6.5
State: CA
Name: Mirabelle
Age: 10
State: NY
Name: Thorsten
Age: 7
State: FL
Name: Hannah
Age: 11
State: FL
Name: Mandi
Age: 9
State: CA
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