First Place
About the Artist
- Name: Evelyn
- Age: 5
- State: New York
- Hobbies: Arts and crafts, studying dinosaurs, and roller skating
- Favorite Food: Pasta
- Dream Job: Paleontologist
About the Art
- Method: Crayon, watercolor, and Sharpie
- Description:
Second Place
About the Artist
- Name: Alex
- Age: 6
- State: California
- Hobbies: Playing with LEGOs
- Favorite Food: Noodles
- Dream Job: An egineering astronaut
About the Art
- Method: Paint and pencil
- Description: “My artwork is called ‘Astronaut USA.’ It’s my imagination of what I would see in outer space.”
Thrid Place
About the Artist
- Name: Mohammad
- Age: 5
- State: Kentucky
- Dream Job: Artist
About the Art
- Method: Colored pencil
- Description: “My wish is to be a jungle boy and spend time with animals, climb trees and mountains, and splash water. I want to play, eat, and sleep with animals. I love animals and greenery, and my favorite animal is an elephant.”
Readers’ Choice
About the Artist
- Name: Layla
- Age: 3
- State: Illinois
- Hobbies: Bowling
- Favorite Food: Pizza
- Dream Job: Doctor
About the Art
- Method: Colored pencil
- Description: She dreams of art for everyone and that everyone could have an art palate and it would bring the world together.