Humpty Dumpty is an award-winning magazine for children ages 2-6. It promotes the healthy physical, educational, and creative growth of young children through interactive activities and stories. The colorful pages are designed to engage and educate early learners to read, see, and do. Inside you will find: easy-to-read stories and poems; fun games, puzzles, and learning activities; and positive learning, social, and health messages.
Email jokes, art, and letters to [email protected]
or mail them to Humpty Dumpty, P.O. Box 88928, Indianapolis, IN 46208.
Include your name, age, and state. All submissions become the property of U.S. Kids.Jack and Jill is an award-winning magazine for children ages 6-12. It promotes the healthy educational and creative growth of children through interactive activities and articles. The pages are designed to spark a child’s curiosity in a wide range of topics through articles, games, and activities. Inside you will find: current real-world topics in articles in stories; challenging puzzles and games; and interactive entertainment through experimental crafts and recipes.
Readers: Want to be featured in our new All About You section? Email personal essays, poems, fiction, jokes, art, and letters to [email protected] or mail them to Jack and Jill, P.O. Box 88928, Indianapolis, IN 46208. Include your name, age, and state. All submissions become the property of U.S. Kids.